World Red Cross Day was celebrated at E-Max Group of Institutions today. Programe was started with remembrance of Red Cross Founder Henry Dunant, Paying rich tributes to Sir Henry Dunant, General Secretary Pradeep Aggarwal said that he founded the Red Cross movement in 1853 touched by the plight of injured soldiers in the battlefield and committed himself single-handedly to the cause of creating this international movement of unique voluntary work.
On this occasion Pradeep Aggarwal General Secretary, Rajiv Bansal Finance Secretary, Dr. Baljit Kapoor Director General, Principal of E-Max Education College Dr. Arun Chauhan, Academic Head Anmol Gautam, Civil HOD Deepankar Ashish, Head Media Affairs Praveen Sahrma, Training & Placement Head Er. Sunil Arya were present.
Drivers were given precautionary instruction to be taken by them during any accident, they were instructed to fully get prepared with their first aid box.
Pleasing to follow the vision and mission of Red Cross Socity to serve humanity baizes of Red Cross Society were distributed amongst the faculty members & students.
Mr. Rajiv Bansal Finance Secretary said that “Service towards mankind is service towards God and Red Cross Society must work with this aim and should make all-out efforts to help the needy, handicapped, and helpless sections of society”.
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